New Aerial Site Footage Captured on 06.06.2020
Overall things are in good shape on the site. We put together the video below using some aerial drone footage shot by Kyle Dettman on 06.06.2020. Thank you Kyle! As you can see from the video, a lot of progress has been made, and we are grateful to the Lord for that....
When I stopped by the property today (4/14) to have a look around, I couldn't help but notice the large earth-moving equipment sitting idle. A quick visual scan of the site left me feeling a bit discouraged as another day would seemingly pass with no...
Back to Work!
It's hard to believe, but it's true! While everything around us seems to be grinding to a standstill in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the work on our property is getting back in gear. The photo above was taken on Wednesday, March 18, 2020 - five days after the...

“Flying Timbers!”
This week marked in important milestone in our project as the timber trusses were hoisted into our sanctuary. Seeing these massive fir timber assemblies flying through the air was an impressive and exhilerating sight! It was also a thrill to have our building...
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