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Waiting on a Church

Waiting on a Church

How God Opened the Door for Us to Buy Land Back in 2013, our church was busting at the seams. We had completely outgrown our previous building on Arnold Mill Road. We already had three worship services, and we were considering a forth. The hallways, along with many...


In a previous newsletter, we used the analogy of comparing our Building Faith campaign to learning to shift gears in a car. If you have had the experience of driving a standard shift (stick) transmission, you will agree that first gear is the most difficult (don’t...
What are the next steps in the process?

What are the next steps in the process?

As you might imagine, building any type of building takes a number of steps before you ever get to the actual building process. We wanted to give you an update on where things stand in the architectural process. It’s a bit technical, but it will help you understand...
Every Steward Must Know  the Master

Every Steward Must Know the Master

Christian Life Lessons From the Parable of the Talents: The fifth in a series of lessons from Jesus in Matthew 25:14-30 He also who had received the one talent came forward, saying, ‘Master, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering...
Celebration Day Is Coming Fast

Celebration Day Is Coming Fast

Of course, many of the questions concern how we intend to pay for our new building. We’ve answered many of these in previous newsletters. We will continue to update you as we move forward. Obviously, this is a project we all have to band together to accomplish. So...
Celebration Day Is Coming Fast

A Defining Moment for FCC

While a great deal has been accomplished, there is still a long way to go on the journey to our new location. The Building Faith Team’s focus will continue to be on finding the best God-honoring solutions for completing the first phase and taking occupancy (on that...
Every Steward Faces a Time of Accountability

Every Steward Faces a Time of Accountability

The fourth in a series of lessons from Jesus in Matthew 25:14-30   For it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted to them his property (Matt. 25:14). Now after a long time the master of those servants came and settled accounts...
Second Gear and Gaining Momentum

Second Gear and Gaining Momentum

If you were to take an account of your past experiences and categorize the ones that brought back the most vivid memories, it’s likely that learning to drive a standard transmission car (“stick shift”) would make your top 10, if you’ve dared to try it at all. The...
Your Voice Matters

Your Voice Matters

Designing a Place for the Songs of God’s People Have you ever thought of your role as a priest in the Kingdom of God? Though not one of the “5 Solas” we talk about so often, the idea of the priesthood of all believers was one of the great Biblical doctrines recovered...
The Risks Every Steward Must Take

The Risks Every Steward Must Take

It may seem that wisdom would lead us to conclude that keeping safe whatever talents Jesus has entrusted to us is best. After all, if we are stewards and will give an account to the King of the universe, who would want to return to Him anything less than what he...