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Many people have expressed their excitement as they see the construction of the 2-story “atrium” section of our building continue to progress. Not too infrequently, however, a recurring question does pop up:

“When will the timbers arrive?”

As I’m sure you have noticed, the sanctury remains in a rather sparse, skeletal state.  This, of course, is because we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the structural timbers that will ultimately be hoisted by a large crane and set into place to form what will be a beautiful aesthetic feature, as welll as the central structural system of our primary worship space.

The fabrication of the timbers has, indeed, taken longer than originally forecasted.  This is primarily due to the meticulous truss assembly/disassembly process the timber contractor has employed to ensure a more efficient build once the timbers are on site.

The good news is that the fabrication is nearing completion and the timbers should be delivered to the site by the end of February.

Soon thereafter, a very large crane will be mobilized to the site, and the erection of the trusses will commence.  Once that is completed, progress on the sanctuary exterior will accelerate through the spring and early summer.

In the meantime, interior and exterior progress on the atrium building continues unabated.  The windows are in, the exterior sheathing and waterproofing is complete, the roof is almost done, and the masonry work is underway.  In addition, most of the interior framing has been installed, and the sheetrock is currently being hung. As the brick and cast stone pieces are being set around the outside of the building, the actual layout of the building’s interior is becoming more and more visible.  The video and photo gallery below provide a virtual window into this work.

Another critical milestone in the project schedule is the delivery and installation of the primary power transformer.  We were informed prior to our initial mobilization to the site that Georgia Power had a 52-week lead time on transformers.  The order was placed in mid-March of 2023, so we are praying that we will receive confirmation of a delivery date very soon as the 52-week mark draws near.

As you might imagine, there are a million details and decisions involved in a project of this size.  Please continue to pray for the Building Faith team as we seek to be diligent, faithful, and wise.  The Lord has been so gracious to FCC, and His kind provision for all our needs has been on full display.  Even as the demands of the project increase, so too does our profound gratitude to the Lord for all the many ways He is Building Faith through this building project!