Not your average 2-story building…
Every incremental step in the construction process so far has been really exciting to see. We have waited a long time to witness what is now actually taking place at our church property. From initial mobilization to the pouring of the slab, we have gradually seen the two-dimensional images on paper and in our mind’s eye emerge into a three-dimensional reality on the ground. With the recent commencement of the structural steel framing phase, however, the form and dimensions of the building are now truly coming into view. And what is crystal clear is that this building is going to stand tall… really tall!
Consider average building heights for a moment. The average height of a 2-story house is between 20-25 feet. For a 2-story commercial building, the average height extends to about 35 feet. Now imagine the 2-story atrium/classroom portion of our building.

Since we can now see the steel structure reaching up to the building’s 2nd floor height, it’s pretty easy to notice this is no average 35-foot building.
In fact, the height of the atrium building will be almost 60% taller than the average 2-story commercial building, reaching over 55 feet!
This extaordinary dimension is an essential element of our building’s design which seeks to reflect the glory, beauty, and grandeur of God, as well as the significance of a faithful church in the life of a community. Of course, our prayer is that we would continue to be a faithful people who reflect the glory, beauty, and grandeur of God with far greater community impact than an unusually tall building could capture!
Over the next 5-6 weeks, the external structure of the entire building, including the sanctuary, will be completed. As the physcial contours of the building continue to reach new heights, may we continue to be conformed to the image of Christ and give clear testimony of His matchless beauty and grace.
Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise him in the heights!
Praise him, all his angels praise him, all his hosts!
Praise him, sun and moon, praise him, all you shining stars!
Praise him, you highest heavens, and you waters above the heavens!
~Psalm 148:1-4