This week marked in important milestone in our project as the timber trusses were hoisted into our sanctuary. Seeing these massive fir timber assemblies flying through the air was an impressive and exhilerating sight! It was also a thrill to have our building designer, Stephen Fuller, meet up with Pastor Shane to watch this beautiful architecural feature of his design come to fruition. The video below captures portions of what became a wonderful and deeply gratifying week.

We also reached a critical financial milestone by surpassing our $978,000 goal in our project completion campaign! We continue to marvel at the Lord’s provision through the generous and sacrificial gifts of His poeple. As additional building contributions come in, we will be in a much better position to fund any unforseen expenses throughout the remainder of the project.
Actual Giving vs. Goal:
Total Actual Giving:
In addition, we will soon be turning our attention to the numerous “add alternate” items that were removed from the current project scope as a cost-saving measure. On Sunday, March 17th, we will have a special Building Faith Update during both services in which some of those important details will be shared.
In the meantime, let’s all thank the Lord for his guidance and grace through this entire project, and let’s continue to appeal to Him for wisdom and provision in the days and months ahead!