Celebration Day Is Coming Fast
Of course, many of the questions concern how we intend to pay for our new building. We’ve answered many of these in previous newsletters. We will continue to update you as we move forward. Obviously, this is a project we all have to band together to accomplish. So...
A Defining Moment for FCC
While a great deal has been accomplished, there is still a long way to go on the journey to our new location. The Building Faith Team’s focus will continue to be on finding the best God-honoring solutions for completing the first phase and taking occupancy (on that...
Second Gear and Gaining Momentum
If you were to take an account of your past experiences and categorize the ones that brought back the most vivid memories, it’s likely that learning to drive a standard transmission car (“stick shift”) would make your top 10, if you’ve dared to try it at all. The...

Reaching New Heights!
Not your average 2-story building...Every incremental step in the construction process so far has been really exciting to see. We have waited a long time to witness what is now actually taking place at our church property. From initial mobilization to the pouring of...
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