Latest updates…
“Power Update!”
On Sunday, March 17, 2024, we presented a Building Faith Update to the congregation in which we covered some important...
“Flying Timbers!”
This week marked in important milestone in our project as the timber trusses were hoisted into our sanctuary. Seeing these...
“TIMBERRRS!!!” And other things…
Many people have expressed their excitement as they see the construction of the 2-story "atrium" section of our building...

At the beginning of this year, Shane Koehler and Richard Goff sat down for a comprehensive discussion about the Building Faith project. This discussion took the form of a Q&A session in which Shane and Richard addressed some of the most commonly asked questions about the project. Topics ranging from the project’s history, finances, the design of the building and more were all addressed and captured on video. If you are looking for a helpful overview of the Building Faith project, this is a great place to start!

As the design process moves rapidly toward the completion of construction documents, details about the building will be determined and become more visible. We are developing a special section of this site that will provide plan samples, material images and building renderings that will hopefully enable you following the process more closely. Pardon the pun, but this page is currently under construction, so check back soon for updates!