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Steeling the Show!

Steeling the Show!

Remember the structural steel… Structural steel has been a top-of-mind component of our building project for a long time. Initially, we had growing concerns over the rapidly escalating steel prices we were seeing worldwide. Then, we had to contend with unusually...
A Sure Foundation!

A Sure Foundation!

All other ground is sinking sand… The slab of the atrium/classroom section of our building has been poured, and the sanctuary foundation will be poured soon. We all know how absolutely essential a solid foundation is to the strength, integrity, and sustainable...
Building Faith Bulletins

Building Faith Bulletins

Latest Activity from the Project Site…   Check out the most recent progress captured from our onsite camera! As the project gets underway, we will be sending out regular Building Faith Bulletins by email and posting links to the bulletins on this site. They...
Signs of Life!

Signs of Life!

Our General Contractor has set up the job site trailer on the property, and several onsite coordination meetings have already taken place in preparation for the project start date. Over the next few weeks, you can expect to see much more activity as full mobilization...
What is Bridging the Gap?

What is Bridging the Gap?

Our building project has taken us on a long and winding journey over the last several years, and we have witnessed the kind provision of the Lord all along the way. We now find ourselves in the proverbial “home stretch” of project preparation, and this is...