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Of course, many of the questions concern how we intend to pay for our new building. We’ve answered many of these in previous newsletters. We will continue to update you as we move forward. Obviously, this is a project we all have to band together to accomplish. So we’re praying for God’s direction in all of our lives as we discern our individual and family roles in this process. God has already started to provide in amazing ways, which we look forward to telling you about in coming issues. The next big day in our campaign is the May 13th Celebration Day. And there are some great questions about this day.

Q: Can I give a gift now or must I wait until the May 13th Celebration Day?

The May 13th Celebration Day was put on the calendar so everyone would have time to pray and think about making a sacrificial gift. In addition to the gift you may make in the near term, we’re encouraging you to think hard about your giving commitment that you will indicate in the “My Willingness, God’s Sovereign Provision” brochure. This will give us an idea of future giving. However, if you are ready to give now and turn in your brochure, doing so is perfectly fine.

Q: Are we doing one or two things on May 13th?

We are doing two things. The first is to receive a sacrificial gift for the campaign to build our new church. The second is to collect the “My Willingness, God’s Sovereign Provision” brochures, which will indicate your future giving plans.

Q: How much cash have we raised to date?

Approximately $875,000. This gives us a good foundation to build on in May and through the coming months.

Q: When will we move into the new building?

This is one of the most frequent and difficult FAQs we have received! The timing of a ground breaking and subsequent construction is completely dependent on God providing the needed funds through His people, as well as the timeliness of finalizing designs, permitting, and the construction process. Therefore, we are not comfortable with speculation yet, but hope to be closer to answering that question after May 13th.

Q: What type of loan do we anticipate in Phase I?

We have contacted more than 20 potential lenders over the past months about the project. Through numerous meetings, many details and prayerful considerations, we have now locked in our terms as of April 4th. The loan amount is $5,000,000 loan at 4.75% for 7 years. With a 25 year amortization schedule.